Prank victim gets last laugh

If you ask anyone who knows me about what kind of person I am, they would most likely say that I am the silent guy who likes to sit by himself during lunch break and read e-books on his tablet.  But don’t mistake me as an antisocial psychopath, I’m just your typical technology nerd who needs to read a book or two during off hours to distract him from thinking about the computer program he is working on.  My desire for solitude though has a drawback – I am often the object of one of my most obnoxious co-worker’s prank.

Normally, I just ignore his pranks and let them slide.  A couple of weeks ago, I had enough when he glued my favorite mug to my desk. So I thought of some ways to pay him back for all the humiliation and inconvenience he has caused me.  So what I did was hire some guys (and gals) pretend to be famous celebrities and made them call him on his cellphone.  I had them call him up at the most inconvenient hours for two weeks straight.

He would come to work all drowsy and a little grouchy that he did not have the energy nor the inclination to prank me anymore.  He was proud of receiving the phone calls though, thinking that some of the “celebrities” who called him could actually who they said they were. He said he tried calling them back to verify their identity but each time he just got a voice-recording. And no, he was unwilling to share their phone numbers.

I wasn’t satisfied with the prank calls so in addition, I hired some other guys to send him prank email as well.  These emails ranged from the “You’re fired” email from our boss to “I want to have a date with you” from a secret admirer.  The look on his face after he read each email was priceless!

After a couple of weeks of this, I decided to put him out of his misery.  The calls stopped and a final email was sent with a video from a scary clown warning him not to be a prankster anymore at work.

He never did find out who masterminded the whole thing, but let me tell you, he has stopped pranking me or any of my colleagues since then.

From prank calls to prank email, from creating a video message with eyes popped out of their sockets or an island native finding your company’s logo while digging through mud, you can have someone do some funny or bizarre stuff ( for you on

ScreenHunter_01 Sep. 30 22.06

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