Low-cost help for small business

Starting a business is no joke.  It takes a lot of research, planning and preparation.  You need to study the ins and outs of the industry you want to get into, see how others in the same niche are doing things to promote their brand and market their product or service, and create a budget for setting up shop.

In my case, it started with the germ of an idea that kept buzzing around in my head.  I was dreaming of something surreal but when I woke up, I couldn’t help but think about the possibilities of starting my own business.  So, for a few weeks every day, I would allot an hour for thinking about the things I needed to have and the tasks I needed to do to bring me closer to realizing my dream. I kept a notebook with me and wrote down every little detail I considered important to help me reach my goal.

As the days progressed, things started to become clearer. Everything was dropping into place when I realized I needed to have an online presence to help me succeed.  However, I did not have enough funds to hire a company to set up and develop a website for my business.  So I did a little research and studied how to set up a website by myself. In less than a week, I had registered my chosen domain name, subscribed to a webhost and published my website online.

The only problem was I did not have a logo.  I was not an artist either.

Fortunately, I knew about Fiverr and the gigs that people would do for $5.  My friends and I had already hired a guy to draw us Facebook Simpsons-style avatars.  Finding someone on FIverr to do my logo was not a problem at all.  There are many talented artists on the site but when I saw this particular gig, that allows me to choose from three design concepts for my logo (http://fiverr.com/logo), 

I knew had I found the right one for the job. He had more than 5000 positive buyer reviews and responds within the day.  In no time at all, I had my logo and I was happy!  My business was now online!

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But another problem came up.  I was not getting enough traction and people were not visiting my website. I needed some marketing help, so I went back to Fiverr and looked for a way to help me get the word out that my website was live and I was ready to do business. I browsed through the  video promotion (http://fiverr.com/video

gallery and bought 3 different gigs.  One video was even optimized for mobile devices. Needless to say, all the videos were done professionally and were of high quality. 

A few days later, I was finally making money, making good on my investment.  And to think I did not need to invest hundreds or even thousands of dollars to start my own business and to market it online. In a couple of weeks, I had gained a number of loyal customers and was earning a profit! 

This is why Fiverr is such a great site.  The services offered there are not only inexpensive; you get great results as well.  Don’t take my word, try it out for yourself!

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